Hauff Stilfinder

Welcher Ausstellungs-Typ sind Sie?

Unsere Möbellinien und Formsprachen für Ihren künftigen Verkaufsraum repräsentieren einen eigenständigen Lebens- und Einrichtungsstil. Alle Produkte aus der HAUFF-Produktwelt vereint Qualität auf höchstem Niveau und zeitlose Eleganz. Anhand der 5 folgenden Fragen möchten wir Ihnen eine Orientierungshilfe geben.


Welche Ausstellung passt zu Ihnen?

Unsere Möbellinien und Formsprachen für Ihren künftigen Verkaufsraum repräsentieren einen eigenständigen Lebens- und Einrichtungsstil. Alle Produkte aus der HAUFF-Produktwelt vereint Qualität auf höchstem Niveau und zeitlose Eleganz. Anhand der 5 folgenden Fragen möchten wir Ihnen eine Orientierungshilfe geben.

Viel Spaß dabei!

Welche der dargestellten Verkaufsraumsituationen gefällt Ihnen am besten?

Strandkorb in Bodenfliesenausstellung eleganter Verkaufsraum mit klaren Linien Schnittchen in der Bodenfliesenausstellung Häuserfronten im Verkaufsraum

Welche der gezeigten Details gefallen Ihnen am besten?

Beratungstresen in der Bodenfliesenausstellung Metallauszüge in der Bodenfliesenausstellung Holzauszüge in der Bodenfliesenausstellung Details am Bodenfliesenauszug Nahaufnahme eines Mach-Bodenschranks

Welche Sortimente möchten Sie vorrangig abbilden?(Mehrfachauswahl möglich)



Holzböden (Parkett, Vinyl, etc.)

Bauelemente, Türen & Tore

Outdoor & Naturstein

Für wann planen Sie den Umbau Ihres Verkaufsraums?

In 3 Monaten

In 6 Monaten

In 12 Monaten

Noch nicht definiert

Ihre Planung muss gut durchdacht sein!

Jedes Projekt ist einzigartig und hochgradig individuell, denn der Verkaufsraum ist Ihre persönliche Visitenkarte nach außen! Hierbei unterstützen wir Sie gern durch individuelle Planung und gezielte Vorbereitung für einen reibungslosen Projektverlauf.

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Hauff Stilfinder

Showrooms for the Building Materials Industry

Fliesenwerk Hamburg – Exclusive Showroom by BSP Konstrukt GmbH.

In summer 2024, BSP Konstrukt GmbH opened the "Fliesenwerk Hamburg" showroom in Rahlstedt to offer a seamless one-stop solution for consultation, design, and installation. The showroom showcases premium tiles at fair prices, distinguished by exclusivity and exceptional quality. Customers enjoy a boutique-style, digital consultation experience in an upscale setting.

The team at "Fliesenwerk Hamburg" is full of creative minds with excellent visual imagination, who meticulously planned the new showroom. HAUFF was able to accommodate their unique requests and support the execution of their ideas. In just three months of collaboration, we helped bring the space to life.

Customer feedback confirms that the joint effort between the Fliesenwerk team and the HAUFF team has paid off, making the showroom a true asset for the region.

We spoke with Mr. Hass, the branch manager of "Fliesenwerk Hamburg," and we're excited to share his feedback with you.

At "Fliesenwerk Hamburg," customers receive consultation, design, and installation all in one place. What was your goal in designing the showroom?

When planning and designing our showroom, it was important for us to create a boutique-like atmosphere where customers wouldn’t feel overwhelmed by an overexposure of “visibly” displayed tiles.

How did the process go from the initial idea to realization, and how long did it take?

Overall, we have many creative minds in our team with strong visual imagination, which greatly facilitated the entire process. From the first ideas and drafts to the completed display furniture, about eight months passed. It took an additional two to three months to fully furnish the space and stock all drawers and shelves.

From the first meeting with HAUFF to the installation of the display furniture, it took about three months.

How satisfied are you with the result?

We are very satisfied. However, we hold ourselves to very high standards, and a showroom is a “living space,” which will always evolve.

What are the customer reactions?

“Extravagant,” “stylish,” “unique,” “upscale,” “exclusive,” and “tasteful” are the most common comments we hear. Additionally, customers repeatedly mention, independently of each other, that the space feels alive, and they feel very comfortable in it. The atmosphere helps them relax and better focus on choosing tiles. At the end, customers are often pleasantly surprised by our attractive price-performance ratio.

Do you have a favorite piece of furniture?

Yes, we are particularly fond of our custom-made large consultation table paired with a floor cabinet. We also really like the area featuring the digital MACH collage and consultation table.

What did you particularly enjoy about working with HAUFF?

The efficiency. HAUFF listens closely to their customers' needs, offers a variety of solutions for individual requirements, and implements them quickly. That was exactly our experience—HAUFF supported us in bringing our ideas and concept to life. The display furniture we needed, or envisioned, wasn’t readily available on the market. Mr. Hauff knows his craft and is truly a master of his trade.

We thank Mr. Hass for the interview and are confident that the team at "Fliesenwerk Hamburg" will continue to impress their customers. Working in such an atmosphere is surely a pleasure, and the customers feel it too—they are comfortable and able to fully engage with the expert consultation. We wish you continued success in your business!